The Fourth Fisherman (Part 1)

Posted by Worldview Warriors On Monday, July 16, 2012 0 comments
"Souls adrift in separate seas experience same rescue.”

Joe Kissack, author of The Fourth Fisherman, discusses how growing up in a performance-based environment conditions people to believe their value is based on their performance. Driven by a strong work ethic, Joe became very successful. He was an executive vice president who drove a sports car and lived in a big house with a nice family. However, material success did not bring satisfaction and Joe was very discontent with his life. Joe couldn’t understand why he wasn’t satisfied when he had “everything.” To cope with his deep emptiness he abused alcohol and eventually reached a point of wanting to take his life.

The night before checking himself into a mental hospital, a friend talked to him about Jesus. Joe accepted Christ as his Lord and savior. He discovered a new sense of peace and joy. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit moves people away from darkness and toward light. If you are struggling with life issues, marital issues, financial issues, or any difficult moment in your life, this is a message of encouragement you need to hear. Circumstances change but God never changes.

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