Life: Choices, Attitudes, & Others (Part 2)

Posted by Worldview Warriors On Thursday, August 4, 2011 0 comments
In this series, Jason interviews Dr. Bev Smallwood, a licensed psychologist who, for the past 25 plus years, has been spreading her message of hope to individuals, families, and organizations across the U.S. and around the world. You'll hear about her book "10 Make-or-Break Choices When Life Steals Your Dreams and Rocks Your World", which is an "emotional roadmap" of life choices.

As you listen, you'll learn about making the choice between having a victim menality vs. a responsible mindset, bitterness vs. forgiveness, and the incredibly difficult personal experiences that have formed Bev's character today. Our hope is that you'll be challenged to be a positive influence on others & encouraged to be an example of Christ to those around you, regardless of your circumstances. For more information about Dr. Smallwood, be sure to check out