Human beings are made in the image of God, the Bible teaches. This means that the essential identity of humanity is wrapped up with the identity of God. Human beings are not identical to God, but they are made in his likeness or image. Special Guest, David Odegard and Jason DeZurik discuss on today's podcast.
James focuses so much on showing our faith through good works in his letter to the early Church. In James 2:18-19, he explains that claiming to have faith but not showing it through action puts us among not very good company: “But someone will say, ‘You have faith; I have deeds.’ Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds. You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that - and shudder."
There are three approaches to understanding the Bible: the unthoughtful approach, the thoughtful approach, and the hyper-critical or unfaithful approach.
Why is the Resurrection important? Jason DeZurik and Katie Erickson take a look through 1 Corinthians 15.
Philippians tells us to, "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" Have we had troubles as a country? Yes. Have we had troubles in our families? The answer, most likely, is yes. However, we need to focus on the good things and rejoice in the Lord and His ways always.
"Nobody ever defended anything successfully; there is only attack and attack and attack some more." - General George S. Patton Jr. Many of us who claim to be Christians seem to have gotten lazy and expect others to take up the mantle of Christ. We need to stop reacting to what the world has to say — we need to act!
"It's hard to beat a person who never gives up" - Babe Ruth. When you know you have heard from God correctly about a direction to go in your life, don’t quit! If it’s clear that you will not be sinning in going that way, GO! Job was blessed through his pain and suffering.
The Bible is full of stories of leaders, some good and some bad. Katie Erickson and Jason DeZurik share What The Bible Says about this topic.
One of the most important steps in our journey to Christ is to become aware of our own worldview. That is, we actually take off the interpretive lenses through which we view the world and examine them.
“It’s my choice what I do. It only affects me.” Have you ever said this? Every decision you make, for good or ill, is going to affect someone else.
The cycle of sin and death imprisoned every person; no one could escape. Somehow, someone from the outside had to break in and bring deliverance.
What Does the Bible Say About Eating Animals? Before sin entered the world, there was no death, so animals would not have been killed in order to be eaten. But after Adam and Eve sinned, that all changed. The first death was an animal that was killed so its skin could make their clothing, now that it mattered that they weren’t wearing any.
What Does The Bible Say About Entertainment? The entertainment industry is big business in today’s world. However, “entertainment” is a relatively new thing.
Attempting to equip students is great, but if in the process of equipping students to impact this generation for Jesus Christ we lose their parents and grandparents in the process, then really how effective was this effort? We ask this question because God has set into place the family unit as one man and one woman to raise up their own children to have a relationship with Jesus Christ and to live out God’s wonderful ways in the real world.
In philosophy and theology, the soul is the thing that is greater than the sum of its parts. My composite parts cannot explain who I really am. I am not just a body, an eating machine. I am not just a domino in a cosmic chain of events. I am a soul and I have a body.