Following God, not Men

Posted by Worldview Warriors On Monday, June 29, 2009 0 comments
Hear how a follower of Christ stepped out in faith from a comfortable lifestyle to a point of even today not knowing where the path God is taking her, will lead.  This podcast will hopefully strengthen your faith in taking the risks that God challenges you to do.


Evolution or Creation?

Posted by Worldview Warriors On Wednesday, June 24, 2009 0 comments
Jason DeZurik discusses with student, Ethan Frye, how long did it take God to create?  They discuss if the Bible and science can work together and what that really means.  They also discuss if God can lie or if He has to tell the truth.  This is a great podcast to learn from on how to witness to your friends wheather you are sitting at home or eating your lunch in the cafeteria school.


March for Life

Posted by Worldview Warriors On Tuesday, June 16, 2009 0 comments
In this week's podcast, Jason interviews a recent high school graduate, Ethan Frey, about his trip last January to Washington DC for the "March for Life," a movement that stands up for life for the unborn child as well as the elderly. Learn about Ethan's experience with this movement and how it has integrated with his youth group and peers.

For more information on the March for Life, check out their website at


Carrying on the Torch of Christ

Posted by Worldview Warriors On Tuesday, June 9, 2009 0 comments
Jason sits down and has a heart-felt conversation with Dennis Mingo and Aaron Johnson, two youth ministers from Coastline Bible Church in Ventura, California. They talk about loving Christ and loving others as well as the struggle with needing to reach out more to those who still need Christ. They briefly discuss the importance of parents encouraging their children to get involved in fellowshipping with other Christians at the church they attend.  Plus, find out the importance of counting blue cars with students.